Death Stranding .. movie heroes in the world of video games!

Death Stranding .. movie heroes in the world of video games!
Finally, here I go again and write. In fact, it's been a long time without ever having to "chat" with you. Today's chat will be of a slightly different artistic nature. Today we're going to talk about Death Stranding, which blends the gaming world with the world of cinema and TV very, very real indeed.

The game will be released on November 8, 2019, and has received mixed reviews from veteran game analysts on many platforms, who have obtained copies of auditors from Sony. Whether review platforms are narrative websites like Arajik, or YouTube channels that have specialized in the field for many years. But in any case, today's article will not talk about criticism of the game, but rather will talk about the game itself as a story, concept and attractions that personally made me wait for many months since the first teaser was released at the last annual gaming fair.

What's the story of the very mysterious Death Stranding game?

Death Stranding .. movie heroes in the world of video games!
In fact, for me personally, the story has been far too mysterious, and I think it is still mysterious to more than 90% of the public so far. This mystery is due to the fact that the game's teasers are also mysterious. In Death Stranding demos you won't find the story keys clear in front of you, or even scattered around the cascading frames behind each other, until you gasp behind them. Gasping here will not help you either. So I used my dear friend (Mohamed Arafa), an expert (Kojima) scientist - the game maker - to help me understand the game more and more, as I came to this article before the last official teaser was released for it, so resorting to the expert was essential.
Death Stranding is a place-to-place order delivery. Delivery? This is of course boring. But wait, has Kojima ever done a boring job? Those who have played Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain know exactly what to say.

Delivery takes place in a nightmare world. The nightmare began with a global catastrophe known as "Death Stranding", which killed most of the people, and left the rest living in hidden caves and shelters. The way missions are arranged will determine the course of the game if it is overcrowded, exhausting, fun, and easy.
The hero of the game is (Sam), his mission is to transport certain goods from the only inhabited area trying to return the situation as it was before the disaster, to many areas in the new nightmare world, to bring it back to life. All this, with a baby on top of his chest, and his association with the story seems very solid. And yes, this is the idea of ​​the game, but Kojima always has something extra in his bag, and that brings us to the next title.


Death Stranding .. movie heroes in the world of video games!
The element of difference and distinction this time is to introduce well-known (intense) actors into the world of the expected Death Stranding game. This was already done by Cyberpunk 2077 and we talked about it earlier on Arajik Fun, where they brought (Keanu Reeves) to be one of the game's characters. But here we do not have one actor, but a group of actors, and each of them performs a character, and each character takes facial expressions exactly until you almost say that what you see in front of you is a realistic representation, not pictures made with artificial intelligence or hand-drawn.
On the front we have the famous Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen, who has played an unforgettable role in the Hannibal series. On the other side we have Norman Reedus who played a genius role in the series The Walking Dead, and he was one of the main characters in it. The character (Sam) by (Norman) is the character of the hero who is transporting goods and trying to save the world, while the character (Cliff) made by (Mads) is the character of the villain who tries to prevent the goal of Sam from happening. As we all know, (Kojima) cannot be presented as evil in the evil sense. He always offers us “human beings”, far from the concept of absolute evil and absolute goodness.
Besides, there are many actors in the game, whether it is a face-to-face performance, or an audio-only performance. Such as Léa Seydoux, Troy Baker, Lindsay Wagner, and many other prominent names.

Beyond the story and actors, what really distinguishes Death Stranding?

Guys, this is a question that should not be pronounced at all. I just said that the game player from A to Z is (Kojima) himself, and the game is produced by (Kojima Studios for Entertainment Industries), with tremendous financial support from Sony, which has sold the game as a temporary exclusive product for one year. Here we are not talking about an ordinary game maker, here we are talking about a genius director and a first-class camera man.
Death Stranding game has already released its "Final" official trailer, and you'll find it above here. In this official teaser, you will find that the focus is not on game mechanics, movement mechanisms, etc. Rather, it is focused on the story and the characters, and it tries to introduce us to the roles of these characters gradually, without showing many details that inadvertently burn the story. Also, if you look closely, you will find that your perception of some characters previously will change with this teaser, and this confirms that Kojima's human touch is definitely here.
And to make the focus on the story clear, you'll find that the trailer is made with the pure cinema style. Pictorial angles and cadres are strict angles and directors that you will only find in the film industry. Although the game itself depends on movement in an open world, the focus was on providing cinematic content that is appropriate for the depth of the story presented, regardless of the movement mechanism inside the game, or the actual game play that the player will deal with.

Finally, a little tip

Death Stranding .. movie heroes in the world of video games!
If you bought or are about to buy the game, do not listen to the opinions of others until you try it yourself. Experience is always the best guide. No one on this entire planet will judge the game with your own eyes. You are special and your thinking is different from that of others, it is impossible to find a person who expresses you exactly 100%, there is always a difference.
If you find the reviews too bad, don't bother. If you find it very positive, don't mind too. Just wait for the game to arrive safely, then play it fully, and finally judge it a judgment pleases you. Have fun hours with the anticipated Death Stranding game. And if you do not like playing on the PS4, I tell you that the game will be released to the computer in the summer of 2020, look good, you will play, you will play, there is no escape.

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