In order not to be fooled ... How do you determine fake certificate programs on the Internet

How do you determine fake certificate programs on the Internet
The growth of online programs has changed the landscape of higher education, now getting a degree is easier than ever, students can obtain a qualification from almost anywhere in the world, even in their homes. One of the biggest advantages of online education lies in the fact that students can get education from a well-known international university without having to get it by traveling abroad.

But the popularity of online certification programs has also pushed the growth of illicit qualifications and the spread of phantom certificates so great, forcing students to search for them and make sure they don't exist, and it can be difficult to discern which one is fake because its marketing tactics can be very convincing.

If you are planning to apply for certification online, here are some red signs that you should look for:

Phantom academic accreditation denotes bogus certificates

You must apply for an online degree at an absolutely accredited university, which means that the university has been certified by an agency or the Ministry of Education in that particular country.

The university will usually display or refer to this accreditation on its own website, you can also do research on Accreditation.org If you suspect that the university is offering a false accreditation, you can always contact the agency and ask about it.

However, there are exceptions, according to the US News Agency: “As alternative credentials grow - such as badges and certificates - some training programs may not be accredited, these options may include introductory camps online or another skill-based training provided by a business.”
In this case, accreditation may not be necessary because the programs are provided by a legitimate business company, but for actual degree programs, you should be sure that they are accredited.

The names of the universities

Online college degree providers often modify the names of reputable universities to trick people into believing they are indigenous or associated with that university.

For example, they may call themselves “Oxford Technology University” when this institution does not already exist, so beware of websites that use these types of names, and if you suspect something is wrong, do more research to find out Whether it is the real deal.

Lack of contact information and resources

Do you find it difficult to find a phone number or contact address on the site? Does the contact email address look a bit suspicious? What about resource information?

Lack of suitable contact information is another red sign, as reputable colleges and universities will have different ways to contact them if you want to request more information.
They should also have student resources clearly displayed on the website, and according to US News, experts say, Sharia programs online must contain a set of resources available to students, including technology support, academic advice, and library services, if Prospective students do not see evidence of these resources, or if they cannot talk to other members, they should take care. ”

Accepting and getting a degree seems very easy

If the conditions for admission seem to be very comfortable and are promising fast and easy ways to obtain admission, then the possibility is that they are not legitimate.

If they simply asked for a CV or letter without asking for qualifications or results from previous exams, then they are suspicious.

Since fake online degrees are just scams to get your money back, the institution will try to convince you that it is easy to register and earn a degree until you are lured to apply and pay fees.

They ask for tuition fees in advance

The university that asks you to pay for the full tuition fee before you start is another major red mark, you should never be required to pay the full tuition fee in advance.

According to DistanceLearningPortal: “If an institution requires a lot of money in advance even before you know you have been accepted, it is certainly not a legitimate program online, as universities do not need to pay the entire tuition fee, and this is completely optional, usually the tuition fee is paid. In installments, every year or every semester.

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