IPhone 12 with a beautiful camera after Apple acquired Spectral Edge!

IPhone 12 with a beautiful camera
Consumers often focus on cameras when purchasing smartphones, and a good camera is no longer an additional advantage but an absolute necessity for the vast majority of users, and although Apple has provided impressive lenses and images in the iPhone 11 but it intends to remain in the foreground, Apple recently acquired Spectral Edge, a UK-based startup that has worked to develop the smart camera industry and take better pictures with the help of machine learning, has developed a new technology that delivers better images by combining data from a standard sensor and an infrared sensor.

IPhone 12 with a beautiful camera
This means that the iPhone 12 may have an infrared sensor, but this technology may be delayed before the final products of Apple are actually reached by consumers, and since Apple does not usually share what you do when it acquires these startups, it is almost impossible to determine what it intends to do after Its acquisition of Spectral Edge, in fact some may be surprised to know that Apple has already acquired between 20 and 25 startups in the first half of 2019 alone.

It is clear that innovation and development in the smart phone industry will not stop any time soon, so smart phone manufacturers resort to compensating the difference through the physical structure that exists with professional cameras such as Apple, for example when it acquires this new company or perhaps investing in the software sector as Google usually does .

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