Learn about the personality of "Shriek", the villain recently joined by Venom 2

Learn about the personality of "Shriek"
The makers of Venom 2 have announced the actress Naomi Harris has joined the cast and is set to embody the character "Shriek", one of the evil characters that has appeared repeatedly on the pages of the Marvel storyboard illustrated and linked mainly to the man's world. Spider-Man.

The movie Venom 2 is scheduled to be shown in October 2020, and it completes the events of the first movie, and it comes in third in the series of Sony's Marvel Universe releases, after the movie released in 2018 and the movie Morbius, which is expected to be released next year. The recent agreement between the companies "Sony" and "Disney", according to which the first company has the right to exploit the character "Spiderman" from the world (MCU) - the copy of the actor "Tom Holland" - within its world.


Learn about the personality of "Shriek"
The "Sherrick" character carries many of the ingredients that make her one of the comic world and superhero characters, but despite her appearing among some TV shows and video games, she is not very popular, especially if compared to the super villains in the Marvel Comics world in general Such as "Red Skull, Thanos, Loki, Dr. Doom ... etc" or the bad guys of Spider-Man in particular like "Dr. Writeos, Venum, Caring, Norman Osborne ... etc".
Shriek's character was created and designed by “Ron Lim, Mark Bagley, Terry Kaving, Tom De-Falco, Jerry Bingham, Mike W. Bar ”was first introduced in 1993 with the release of the Comics Spider-Man Unlimited Vol. 1 # 1, while her most notable appearances were through the Maximum Carnage and Web of Venom series, both of which are expected to be based on the upcoming movie Venom 2. Below, Arajik Fun presents with you a collection of information about the character and its potential impact on the emerging cinematic world.

Sherrick and Caring .. Love the Snakes!

It was clear from the closing scene of the movie Venom that the second part of it will witness the emergence of the character "Cletus Cassidy / Caring", and as mentioned in the versions of the comics, there is an emotional relationship between that character and the character "Sherrick", so the presence of the two characters together is likely to see a side of That relationship - or at least the beginnings of its development - within the events of the Venom 2 movie.

Some suggest that "Caring" and "Sherrick" will ally with one of the film's chapters in the face of "Eddie Brook / Phenome", and they form an evil and dysfunctional duo that are relatively similar to the "Joker" and "Harley Quinn" duet in the world of DC Comics.

Close to the parasites, not one of them
Learn about the personality of "Shriek"
"Sherrick" belongs to the vast world of Spider-Man, but its appearance has always been linked to the circle of parasitic organisms or "Symbiotes" such as "Venum" and "Caring", which explains their appearance within the events of the movie Venom 2, but despite this they are not one of them and do not derive Combine it by embracing one of these creatures.

Sherrick gained the extraordinary abilities that she enjoyed at an early stage of her life as a result of a genetic mutation, which means that her powers stem from it and are not derived from any external source, and despite their ability to embrace the "symbiotic", they usually prefer to rely on their original forces in their confrontations with others.

One of the most powerful villains in the spider world
Sherrick's personality is classified as one of the most powerful opponents in the Spider-Man world, thanks to the multiplicity of her superpowers and makes her a significant opponent, given that she is able to mentally move and control the ideas of others and bring them under her control, in addition to her Superior combat skills.

In addition to all of the above, "Sherrick" is able to launch crushing sound waves, making it one of the strongest opponents of "Phenome", known for his strong sensitivity to loud voices, which is his most prominent weakness.

Her character was made up of pain and suffering
“Shirik” is portrayed as a very cruel and emotional figure, due to her tragic background, a large part of which was portrayed in Amazing Spider-Man # 392, where she suffered in her childhood from domestic violence due to the brutal practices of her parents and their constant underestimation, which Eventually made her run away from home.

"Sherrick" arose in the streets and was forced to work with many illegal activities - such as drug promotion - to get a livelihood in the day and committed many heinous acts to survive, perhaps that has a constant nostalgia for the warm family atmosphere that I have always missed and this leads us directly to the next point.
A housewife of super parasites
Learn about the personality of "Shriek"

"Sherrick" has a strong desire to form her own family but lacks confidence in the people of the human race, and therefore prefers to adopt a group of strange parasites, and continues in the matter until she at one stage deals with "Caring" as the head of that family and the father of its adopted children from the strange parasites that owe it Loyalty as their mother!

This doubles the power of "Shrek" and its gravity at the same time, as it succeeds in raising these creatures - ultra-strong - according to its vision and pushing them to adopt its method, rather than just being scattered beings, it succeeds in uniting them under its flags and pushing them to adopt its approach and create chaos wherever they are.

Sherik is back from death
Comics versions reviewed the historical background of the character, presented as "Francis Barrison" and after she got involved in the life of the crime - after escaping from the house - she was shot with bullets during a confrontation with the police, but later she was revived to start from here the journey of her discovery of her extraordinary capabilities resulting from Carrying it to the mutated gene (X) that gives it superior capabilities as is the case with mutants in the world of X-Men.
Some likely that the historical background of the character will differ relatively when viewed through the big screen, because the rights to exploit the world of X-Men and all associated elements were owned by "Marvel Studios" and recently moved to "Disney", which means that "Sony" does not You can use it to build the events of its cinematic world.

Multiple alliances and many opponents
The emergence of “Sherrick” at that time is consistent with Sony’s ambitious plans to develop and expand its Sony's Marvel Universe cinematography based on Spider-Man series. This is because the character - through her frequent appearing on the comics pages - has held many alliances with evil characters - likely to be presented through the cinematic world - most notably her own family - referred to previously - called "Carnage Family" and also joined alliances such as "Doom Maidens" and “Sinister Six”.
In addition, the "Sherrick" encounters were not always in the face of "Spider-Man", but she fought several struggles with other figures from the same world, some of which actually appeared within the Sony cinematic world, such as "Venom", while others confirmed its appearance later through the following films such as Black Cat, which increases the chances that Shriek's character will not be restricted to the Venom 2 movie and not end with his action.

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