Prevention of smart phone radiation

Prevention of smart phone radiationWith the start of 5G networks in many countries of the world, old fears have returned that smart
phone radiation has negative health effects on human health. Concerns increased by a recent report that some phones leak more radiation than expected, and comments in Facebook groups and YouTube clips were filled with people expressing their concerns about radio frequency (RF) radiation used in communication networks, although scientific research has consistently shown that no There is cause for concern, but many believe that radioactive radiation may harm health, and that the prevention of smart phone radiation is an imperative duty to improve public health.

Health effects of using smartphones

During the past twenty years, there has been a lot of research on the use of smart phones and their link to head and brain cancer, as the brain is the main exposed and directly exposed to radiation.  However, most of these research has given results that do not match, while the biggest risk of using phones is driving accidents and driver distraction while driving.

How to prevent smart phone radiation

Some radiation protection from smartphones can be secured by following some tips, including:
  1. Keep the phone away from the body: Studies have shown that there is a significant decrease in the amount of radiation absorbed by the human body when he is not in direct contact with his smartphone; that is, having the phone in his pocket or in his hand puts him at great risk, so the phone must be kept in a bag or placed on a desk or table when not in use , Which will greatly reduce your exposure to radiation for several hours a day
  2. Turn off data and Wi-Fi when not needed:When Wi-Fi is turned on on the phone, the device will continuously search for networks even if they are not present to connect to it, and that when using data on the device it absorbs rays from all the cell towers and satellites surrounding it to secure the required connection.
  3. So turning off both of them is an important measure to protect against the radiation of smartphones and tablets, and when you need them Wi-Fi is recommended because it emits a little less radiation than the data that reaches the cell towers..
  4. Use the speakerphone or headphones when making voice calls:When placing the phone on the head to make a call, the radiation will be close to the brain, which may be of great harm, so it is advised to make all voice calls through a loudspeaker or wired headphones, and it is recommended to use a wired headset that gives the lowest level of radiation until the Bluetooth headset is issued Much less radiation than the phone but anything better than not using the headphones at all.
  5. Using text messages:Text messages are advised to be used instead of making voice calls; when doing so the time when the body is exposed to radiation is reduced compared to the time it is exposed when making calls.
  6. Turn off GPS when not needed:The GPS system is very convenient and of great use when not knowing the required location, but it is important to stop it when it is not needed because it uses strong signals to communicate with the satellites to find the exact location, which exposes the user to a large group of harmful rays.
  7. Use of the radiation protection device:If your lifestyle or profession requires you to use your phone continuously, you can use the phone's radiation protection device that is made of special materials that help reduce the risk of radiation exposure, and when purchasing one of these protective devices you must make sure of the value of the absorption rate specified for it.
  8. Use Airplane Mode:This is similar to turning off data and Wi-Fi connection as airplane mode turns off all connections, so the only radiation that it emits is similar to the radiation emitted from any offline electronic device.
  9. Keep the device away during sleep:Sleep is one of the most important times in which the protection of smart phone radiation is completely prevented, during which the body creates and regenerates cells. Exposure to high levels of radiation may cause numerous health problems, so it is best to place the phone at the opposite end of the room or put it in another room Even.
  10. Use of other means of communication:Although smartphones are very comfortable, many other communication methods that emit lower levels of radiation can be used, such as landlines that emit much less radiation than smartphones, or use a laptop that emits much less radiation as well.
  11. Reduce phone use:Many people believe that they are not able to dispense with their phones during their daily lives; that we have become associated with these devices so that we cannot imagine that we can live a whole day without them, but despite that we can try to turn off the phones for a few minutes and then increase that gradually, and we will notice With time it will be easier.
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