The rapist is you .. Chilean anti-rape song sweeps feminist circles

The rapist is you .. Chilean anti-rape song sweeps feminist circles
Global protests by feminist groups to fight rape and take all the mechanisms that would reduce this shameful phenomenon, but what is remarkable about these protests is the Chilean song that accompanies these protests.

The song describes the medium that dominates these incidents as a global culture, and the feeling of shame that reaches sin in the hearts of rape victims.

The song, Un Violador en Tu Camino, is called "A Rape On Your Way." It was performed by a Chilean band in late November following protests that swept Chile to social inequality, and it is now entering its second month.

It was not only the song that spread around the world, it was the company of its own dance. She has performed in many shows in Mexico, France, Colombia, Spain and the United Kingdom. The song was written by Chilean Band Lastesis, a feminist theater group that performs in Valparaiso, and Paula Cometa's spokeswoman said the song was not initially intended to turn into a demonstration song, but the women who chanted it took it to a higher level.
The lyrics are inspired by the work of Argentine author Rita Segato, who says that the problem of rape is a political problem and not a moral problem. The song's lyrics describe how women's rights are violated in a systematic institutional way, from the political and judicial circles, even in the police: “You are the rapist, they are the police, they are the judges, the government, the president.”

In another passage of the song, the words denounce the way women are blamed for rape: "This is not my fault, nor is my clothes wrong, or what I do." Before the song reached the conclusion: "A rapist is you."
It is worth noting that Chile witnesses 42 reports of rape daily, and data are missing from many parts of the world due to the dominance of the culture that blames the woman who is raped.

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