Things you will regret if you did not do it during your university life

Things you will regret if you did not do it during your university life

Is often said that college is the best stages of the life lived by the women, so how does the last stage of the life of the soil, which is usually ahead of the life responsibilities of work or marriage or etc.. in order to enjoy this stage when we asked some university students about the things you should do to get the life of a university don't forget!

Traveled to a new place!

To travel, alone or with your colleagues or go out a trip with your university, it is not necessary to help another country, you can help to another city or province to other, but a nest of fun to travel and explore at least a place that about you, you know, the historical monuments and museums in the place which include and enjoy the manifestations of nature, and the acronym nest!

Merged with the society in your university

Contrary to what you think the university is not just study, is a place to get friends that may last the whole work, and who knows maybe meet the love of your life! So try to be more social, participated in the excursions prepared by the University and competitions that restrict her, and encouraged the team to college football's national duty! But, of course, don't be socially excessive, will your study is more important than anything!

Get practical training and professional

Things you will regret if you did not do it during your university life

The advantages of Education acronym
Many complain from the students that what they teach in college does not prepare them for the labour market, but are we complaining? Try looking for places for vocational training competence you will be a lot of companies that offer opportunities for vocational training for students, and it's okay if the training was unpaid or low-wage because you seek the experience!

Find exchange students

Many students spend their university life and they don't know that their universities offer programs exchange student for a year or semester with other universities, imagine how much fun lost to themselves! Many universities offer opportunities for reciprocal driven the costs with other universities of the Programme Erasmus Mand for students to get the Bachelor which allows you to study in many European countries!

Where you can study free... countries around the world you can study free of charge

Try to require

We all know how desperately our society to do good, so why don't we be the initiators do? There are many options for volunteering, you can volunteer in the humanitarian area, such as with cancer patients or children with autism or even impaired vision, hearing or medical journal with a crescent or Red Cross, or volunteer management with many institutions and

Record educational sessions

Things you will regret if you did not do it during your university life

It is true that we mentioned earlier training is important, but work experience alone is not enough, you need many sessions to develop yourself such as courses of computer design software was other, and the skills of resume writing, interviews, work courses, first aid, even if not by medical! All that would raise the ability and increase the chances of your business..

Try to learn a new language

It's a shame really to take the treatment of women in US is not fluent in English, which spent nearly 16 years and he taught her! If we asked him why to determine that the university does not care about the language! But that doesn't mean that I don't care about you, many of the companies and the jobs they are asking for English as a prerequisite for admission! With the availability of the internet and many of the temples and no one has an argument that I don't have to! Of course, don't be weak, carefree and stops you learn the English language only, after that accept why not learn a global language the other? Believe me all what you learn in your university life you'll find in your professional life, especially languages!

Learn Spanish via watching Professor La Casa de Papel

Don't hesitate to change!

Unfortunately the university is not a perfect place, and many were forced to enter the specialty don't want him, and continued their studies and graduated from and within them a large ball of what they do, if you feel you are of them, and that you are not comfortable and you don't see yourself here the thigh of a decision and change your major after, Of course, to include your decision and trust their opinion.. and you don't care too much if you're gonna waste a year or two old, so believe me those years weren't wasted enough that you discovered yourself, but your whole life will be lost if I completed something I don't like it..

Learning to drive a car.

Things you will regret if you did not do it during your university life

Many are inclined to postpone learning to drive until they get a job so they can buy a car, but don't be like them, tried to learn to drive before you graduate from university then your leadership now will be much easier than learning it later..

University degree or practical experience!.. Who will be the strongest in the future?

Try something new every time..

You can join a sports club like, try to swim in the atmosphere of summer with your friends, or surfing, try riding or to enter in a club to ride bikes, he participated a marathon that are held in your city, button City games all the time, tasting a new food, learning a language she
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